Re: Data inizio beta testing
Inviato: mar ott 01, 2013 4:12 pm
Dai su però ti regalano i cannoncini per il Bf 109 AHAHAHAH!!
Gruppo di volo virtuale italiano
-18 giorni2013-10-18 1C Game Studios is thrilled to announce the IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad early access date for everyone who purchased the Premium Edition of the game. Premium Edition owners will be able to take off into the Stalingrad skies and become part of one of the most important battles of WWII starting November 12, 2013 . Standard Edition purchasers will gain early access in December 2013 . The exact date is to be announced.
I've really enjoyed bringing you good news all the time, so it's up to me then to tell you the less pleasant ones today. We are not going to finish a game version of proper quality by November 12th. At this moment it still requires some more work to be done, and after that - a small series of tests in the studio. That's why I have to postpone the start of early access for 1 week, and launch it on November 19th.
Now I'm going to answer several questions of yours about the early access and announce our decision on the R7 exclusiveness issue.
1) Damage model
It's 60% complete. Technically it works already thou some fine tuning must be done.
2) Visual effects
Some of them have been added. FX will be added one by one by the start of beta-testing.
3) About AI
AI will be added to the early access sessions 2-3 weeks after the start. First weeks will be devoted to solo flights.
4) Gift skins on early access
Yes, Founders will have them from the start
5) Quick Mission (Quick Start) mode availability
It will be ready by the New Year, and then brought to you ASAP
6) Making own skins
Of course we'll offer you necessary tools and templates but later - we don't want to distract from more important tasks
7) Handguns/flare guns in early access
Not sure about those, the decision will be made the next week