Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: ven set 13, 2013 5:25 pm
da 72sq_SilVal
Spero che il progetto si concretizzi, visto che la concorrenza nell'ambito dei simulatori non può che far bene ed è meglio poter scegliere nell'abbondanza..... piuttosto che accontentarsi come abbiamo dovuto fare per anni, quando non c'era nulla di nuovo all'orizzonte.
Tuttavia ho l'impressione che il tutto sia una gran sòla, anche se spero di no.
Praticamente non hanno i finanziamenti per poter lavorare, sperano di arrivare ad una certa cifra prima di poter dichiarare l'inizio del progetto.
Peccato che costoro siano i responsabili del fallimento di CoD, per cui non mi pare che possano pretendere granchè dall'utenza, specie dagli entusiasti che hanno pagato per avere Cliff od Dover con il bel risultato che si è visto.
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: mer set 18, 2013 11:01 am
da 72sq_Popale
Aggiornamento quotidiano 18/09/13 ore 11,00
pledged of $100,000 goal
days to go
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: ven set 20, 2013 9:00 am
da 72sq_Popale
1,247 backers
$88,055 pledged of $100,000 goal
15 days to go
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: sab set 21, 2013 1:18 pm
da 72sq_Popale
pledged of $100,000 goal
days to go
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: sab set 21, 2013 5:22 pm
da 72sq_Iva
Ma il goal e' veramente $100.000 dollari?
Ma che ci pagano con quello? Non ci esce nemmeno uno sviluppatore + QA per un anno... boh!
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: lun set 23, 2013 9:36 am
da 72sq_Popale
pledged of $100,000 goal
days to go
manca ancora poco e si potrà scoprire cosa faranno. Anzi, cosa faranno l'hanno già detto, bisognerà vedere come lo faranno e soprattutto se questa volta saranno in grado di finire il prodotto.
Mi sembra che da qualche parte ci sia scritto che la versione alpha è prevista per aprile 2014.
Mettendo sulla bilancia tutti i difetti e i pregi di IL2 posso solo sperare che riescano a ripetersi e rimango in attesa di questa nuova avventura.
Per quanto riguarda i costi Tu sei la persona più informata^^ ma credo che utilizzando un motore del gioco già sviluppato e funzionante si tratti soltanto di "inserire" i parametri corretti nelle tabelle. So che sono superficiale nel liquidare il tutto così semplicemente ma quello che intendo è che partire da zero come han fatto con CoD è sicuramente moooolto più complicato (e costoso).
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: lun set 23, 2013 4:57 pm
da 72sq_Popale
pledged of $100,000 goal
days to go
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: sab ott 05, 2013 11:26 pm
da 72sq_Popale
Default The Kickstarter is over. Now the real fun begins!
We did it! Thank you backers! The Kickstarter Campaign is a success!
What a wonderful Saturday morning! We really pulled through in the last couple of days and we did absolutely awesome!
Current total:
Kickstarter: $158,897
PayPal: $5,436.39
GRAND TOTAL: $164,333.39
We'll be shutting down the paypal page in a few minutes to coincide with the end of the kickstarter campaign.
Please watch my celebratory video that talks about what happens next.
Quick summary:
1. Your rewards. I have to tally all Kickstarter and PayPal backers into a single database. Then we have to create a web interface for you to access backer-only content. Kickstarter by itself is no good since it leaves all PayPal backers out. There will also need to be an interface for your reward management.
It's a bit of a project, so we probably won't have it ready for a little while.
In the meantime, the only reward that can go out right away is the DCS World P-51.
If you have selected a reward tier that specifically lists the P-51, you'll be receiving your product keys via email next week.
Otherwise, the process will be completely manual for now. I'll do a backer-only update in a little while that describes this process in more detail.
2. We'll keep on working on the project as previously scheduled. We are adding the Me.262 cockpit to our task list. It'll be done by the same wonderful duo of German cockpit experts that built the FW.190D-9 and Bf.109K cockpits.
3. We will be posting regular backer-only, and slightly less regular open development updates. We'll keep you updated on our aircraft and landscape.
4. The landscape SDK! We can start a dialogue even before the SDK itself is available. Obviously, the most ideal situation that I see is that the community forms a core group of landscape designers that will, with developer support, create more landscapes for Europe 1944. Again, please stand by for a separate more detailed discussion on this.
5. The main priority for the team however is delivering a good game to backers with the features we've listed. We will work very hard to have our alpha available next year. Once that's out, we will most likely open another campaign either on kickstarter or on our own site for more additions to DCS WWII: Europe 1944. I know that a lot of people really want the flyable B-17. I think it's the most logical next step for this product, but of course we have plenty of time for discussions.
We will definitely discuss every single aspect of any future campaign with our backers before launching it.
THANK YOU backers!
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: mar giu 10, 2014 3:42 pm
da 72sq_Popale
June 2014 Update
We would first like to apologize for the long delay in projects updates. Since the last update from Luthier, there have been some significant changes in how this project will be developed and managed. No longer will RRG be developing this project and Luthier has ceased his involvement in the project. Eagle Dynamics though will be continuing its development and honor all Kickstarter backer commitments. There is nothing more we can say about this change and it is not open for discussion.
We will be restructuring the DCS WWII: Europe 1944 forums to reflect this.
DCS WWII: Europe 1944 is still planned as a single-package option, or users can purchase individual components to integrate into DCS World.
Myself and Groove plan to provide monthly updates.
As a basic outline, here are our current development intentions:
August 2014 – Fw 190 D-9 Dora
October 2014 - BF-109K
December 2014- Spitfire IX
March 2015 - P-47D-28
May 2015 - Normandy Map with period AI units
Other features like the Me.262A-1 and AI-only B-17G are also in development we but do not have a delivery data estimate at this time until these other features are further along.
In the meantime, Groove and our moderator SiThSpAwN are working to make sure that all backers, based on their level of backing, receive their entitlements.
We fully realize that you probably have many unanswered questions. We are in the process of answering those internally first, and once we do, we will update you.
In this update, we can share some updated images of the Fw 190 D-9 and Bf-109K cockpits. In future updates, Yoyo and other members of the development team will provide greater details about the various features.
Re: Kickstarter campaign for DCS WWII: Europe 1944
Inviato: mar giu 10, 2014 7:14 pm
da 72sq_SilVal
In sostanza, se Luthier ha mollato oppure è stato allontanato, non c'è più nessuno del progetto originale, e più nessuno che facesse capo al team originale di Oleg Maddox e di il2-sturmovik.
Non è che questo sia per forza un male, visto chìome era stata condotta l'operazione Cliffs ov Dover, ma staremo a vedere cosa combineranno.