Re: BoS = nuovo il2
Inviato: lun mar 03, 2014 3:42 pm
Per una settimana sono in punizione e non posso volare su Bos...
Gruppo di volo virtuale italiano
When will early access be unlimited access? The game isn't ready for that yet but we hope to get it ready by the end of March.
If we want to run a server? Contact the community manager with details of location, conditions etc. We are grateful for any help but occasionally there are legal issues.
If multiplayer comes this (coming) weekend, is it still 72 hours? Yes, for the moment. The gameplay isn't much there yet but technically it is working.
How will you manage the gameplay for transport mission, as in the He-111? Mainly as intercept or escort missions. Not sure how deeply we will manage it. But it will be there, as it is one of the most important aspects of the battle of Stalingrad.
Will there be access over the holidays? If you mean 10 March, not planned but maybe. If you mean 8 March (International Women's Day) then I think wives and girlfriends would prefer we closed it.
What happened with the (founders?) skin for the Il-2? We're doing it. And it will be drawn by hand as if by your favourite mechanic.
Will the Heinkel drop supply containers? That's still ahead of us but probably. It will only be available in campaigns.
During next week we plan a (video) stream with the Yak and probably the Pe-2. There will be a separate post on that. Founders' skin IL-2 screenshot will take a while but not too long.
Can we host servers on 15 March? No, there will only be our servers. The dedicated server module still needs some work. I'll be happy if our servers stay up and all goes well.
Why did my wingman behave like this? Without a track file it is impossible to say. AI is so complex there may be a lot of reasons.
Will there be non-flyables? At the moment only the listed flyable planes.
Ditto Lend lease? Plans not fixed yet.
The current clouds are a load test and not final.
Multiplayer Duel (1v1) servers?? Still sorting interface and some technical questions around IP addresses of modern ISPs that might prevent clients connecting. Also we can't run stacks of servers so we need to find a way of allowing people to run a 2 player passworded server. We will do this before release.
Will there be icing in clouds etc? At the moment they are just random clouds to test game impact. We will develop them later.
Generally there was also discussion as to why the Kaspersky Anti Virus program interfered with the auto-updater, why there is no change log and how wonderful the clouds look.