72sq_Popale ha scritto:72sq_KOS ha scritto:
impossibile perché i carri grossi devi costruirli e posizionarli... oltre che mantenerli nel "Risiko". Quindi non puoi riempirti di IS-7 o livelli alti a meno che tu non abbia uno scatafascio di territori tipo Unione Sovietica.
Me lo auguro come te, però nel ragionamento entrano in gioco i soldi reali che hai intenzione di spendere per avere e mantenere un IS7.
Se mi sbaglio è meglio, però dubito che tutto il discorso si basi soltanto sulle risorse del territorio che aiuteranno, questo si, a mantenere i carri ma che non saranno sufficienti.
affilate le spade
Cose interessanti con la nuova Patch:
- Vehicle performance characteristics:
T-54: repair costs increased by 15%, clearance increased by 15 cm, decreased armor of tracks by 5mm (now the same as for T-44), track repair time increased by 10% (now the same as for T-44).
ISU-152: repair costs increased by 8%.
Object 212: repair costs increased by 100%, decreased gun armoring.
203mm F-625D shell: price 1387 -> 1442.
203mm G-620 shell: price 1050 -> 1092.
IS-7: repair costs increased by 5%.
T-14: maximum battle tier reduced by 1.
Т30: repair costs increased by 10%.
STUG III: increased weight limit for top suspension, maximum battle tier reduced by 1.
Increased hit points for guns: 75mm_KwK_L70, 75mm_KwK45_L100, 88mm_KwK_43_L71, 105mm_KwK45_L52_ausf_B.
Maus: reloading time decreased by 0.21 sec.
Panther II:
- 7,5 см KwK42 L/70 gun: dispersion decreased by 7%.
- 7,5 cm KwK45 L/100 gun: dispersion decreased by 4%.
- increased weight limit for stock suspension (to mount top turret).
- repair costs decreased by 6%.
- 10,5 cm KwK45 L/52 Ausf. B gun: decreased dispersion during turret traverse by 14%, reloading time decreased by 0.17 sec, dispersion radius decreased by 7%.
- Maybach HL 234P50 engine: decreased chance of fire by 5%, increased hit point by 12.5%.
- Ammo rack: hit points increased by 8%.[color=Font Color] [/color]
PS: in ogni caso Non so se avrò voglia di spendere 100,00 Euri, per ricominciare il gioco da un Pz.IV, e in pratica spendere per non avere nulla in mano...